I finally have wireless.
Skyping success.
We went to mass at La Sagrada Familia yesterday, which was pretty cool. It was kind of a makeshift church in one section of the cathedral, very small and boarded off from construction. But the music was cool, the mass was in Spanish, and I donated 1 euro so now I can say that my money helped build La Sagrada Familia. I also went to go try and light a candle to say a prayer at the end, so I'm waiting in line, I see the candle supply dwindling, I finally get up to the front and see that there's ONE candle left when all of the sudden some chica behind me reaches around and snatches it before I can... This is a church candle woman, have some respect. So I kicked her in the shins and ripped it out of her hands and told her to see who would listen to her prayers now. Actually I just sighed and walked away defeated.
Today we started our actual IES classes, which are taught in English. I had 'Barcelona: The Cosmopolitan City.' I think it will be pretty cool to be learning about the history of the city so that I will be able to better understand the significance of the places I visit. After that I just had the usual spanish class, then lunch with my friends at a cafe two stores over from my apartment. I ordered a Bocadilla (a sandwich) which is pretty much what we always order from everywhichwhere because it's the cheapest and one of the only things we know how to read (Since most menus are in catalan)... turns out this Bocadilla cost 6 euro... 4 euros more than what we usually pay for the same thing. Preposterous. So... bump that, not going back there.
After lunch, David, Chessie and I climbed most of Mt.Tibidabo, which is the mountain that’s very close to Chessie's and my apartment. We got some nice views, and the weather was really great today, high 50's and very very warm in the sun.
I think my days may become less and less interesting once we get into the school routine, so I will probably won't be blogging as often. Just occasional updates or when something blogworthy happens... blog blog blog.
But I will always try and remember some Interesting Tid Bits::
Remember those scary, somewhat hairy pig legs that hang in our kitchen? We thought...she must not eat these, they're two years old and look like they haven't been touched.We sit down at dinner and she starts telling us about this particular kind of meat. How it's very rare and expensive (400 euro) because these pigs only eat this certain kind of fruit and it somehow makes the pig taste good, i don't know but she went on for a good 10 minutes. So she walks over, and thats when I notice that one of the legs has a little towel on it. She unwraps the towel, and lo and behold... Has definitely carved into that carcass. So she cuts me and Thea off a piece. What can I do? Refuse to eat this thing after she has told us how much it cost her and how rare it is and how good the meat is? Just because I feel uncomfortable looking at the hoof and hair of the animal I am about to eat? We couldn't turn her down. It tasted... moist.